Remembering Names
Repeat the person’s name whilst speaking to them. “That’s very interesting David”. “David would you like a cup of coffee”.
If you are in a meeting and there are many people sat around the table, draw the shape of the table on a sheet of paper. Then write the names of the attendees on the paper where your drawing represents their location at the table.

At a Glance
First Impressions
A few skills that will help you make that great first impression: Don’t be late
Be confident
Demonstrate good listening skills
Use your new acquaintance's name frequently
Be careful when using humour
Avoid being confrontational
Make sure you dress appropriately
Try to speak correctly avoiding slang
Understand your subject, be knowledgeable regarding the company or product you represent.
Answer question Ask relevant questions Keep your word
The Handshake
A good handshake will always leave a lasting positive impression. When you shake someone’s hand, it’s important to communicate confidence and friendliness. You can achieve this by following a few simple rules.
Your handshake should be firm but not painful and last about three seconds.
It’s very important to introduce yourself whilst shaking hands.
Smile and make eye contact as you shake.
Dress Codes
White Tie is the smartest of all dress codes and is the same as black tie other than the tie and waistcoat the gentlemen ware is white (ironically enough). The difference between the two is that white tie indicates VIP attendance, usually dignitary or royalty.
Black Tie means a very formal dress code. Men wear black tuxedo coat, trousers with satin ribbon, and a black bow tie. Ladies are to wear ball gowns which must have a full-length dress.
Business Smart would be a typical business suit, plain shirt and tie for a man. Ladies would be a business suit with either trousers or a skirt with a plain blouse.
Smart Casual implies a dressed-up version of casual. For men, this would mean neatly pressed trousers and a jacket, an open shirt (no tie) or polo shirt as long it has a collar. For women, it can be slacks, but also skirts dress in a coloured blouse. Jeans and sandals are to be avoided as well as T-shirts and shorts. All of which would be considered casual.
Casual implies a relaxed dress code, however, unless expressed avoid wearing shorts and sandals.
International Communication
(US and Germany) like to talk loudly (India and China) more softly (Holland and Denmark) speak directly (the UK and Japan) speak indirectly (Brazil) tolerate interrupting others (Canada) does not
(Greece) very blunt
(Middle East) speak vaguely
In Europe or the UK in particular, business cards are given away easily as they are used as a simple way of gathering contact information.
However, in the Arab world, you would never give or receive a business card with your left hand. In China and Japan, you should try and use both hands to give and receive.
Besides, it is always good etiquette to examine the card and make a positive comment on it. If you are not sure to treat the card with respect, a good way of displaying this is to place the card in a business card holder rather than putting it in your pocket.
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